What’s poppin, my daogs! It’s Art again! For the last part of intro series, it is time to talk about the use with the platform.
From the beginning we are launching a fully functional app on testnet and token presale on mainnet.
- On the testnet you are able to buy tokens from presale using free testing USDT, convert them into main ecosystem tokens, stake those tokens, create proposals, votings, and also interact with the first deployed community project to understand how dividend distribution works (spending USDT as product user and then claiming dividends as ecosystem staker).
- On the mainnet from the beginning it is only available to purchase presale token. This is done for security reasons. We are planning to order a few audits from respected certified auditors before deploying rest of the app to mainnet. Money raised from the presale will be spent for incorporating, security audits and forming liquidity pools on decentralized exchanges.
Token presale has a minimum raising amount target, and in case if the target is not reached by the end of presale period, users will be able to withdraw their invested USDT and the ecosystem will be discontinued.
Overall we are having 3 rounds of sales:
- presale (selling presale token that will later be swapped to main ecosystem token).
- private sale (for whitelisted funds and angel investors).
- public sale (for anyone).
Each round has token price of x2 from the previous round.
Also MyDAOgs introduces a revolutionary approach for token sale rounds. I personally haven’t seen this in the market but it sounds insanely attractive.
The idea is simple. Investors from previous rounds are able to join an exit pool of the following rounds so that current round’s investors are letting early investors exit, hence lowering the pressure on a token by the moment of listing on exchanges.
For early investors this means fixed guaranteed profit (if you only joined to speculate and not interested in receiving dividends in the future). I would recommend exit-sell half of your purchased tokens so with the price of x2 you will get back all your initial USDT investments and still have half of the tokens left.
For late rounds investors this means that by the time of token is listed on exchanges, there will be so much less if any investors who were able to buy tokens cheaper than you. And less sellers overall since many has already exited. Beautiful, isn’t it?